OGP | Collectors' Recommendations
Dec 24, 2022
The highlights of Sotheby's 2022 include some of these, with annual global sales of $8 billion. There was a delightful surprise as well —— The age of collectors was declining, with a record number of bids from collectors under 40, and over 40% of the nearly 50% of luxury purchases were made by wealthy young Asians.
The highlights of Sotheby's 2022 include some of these, with annual global sales of $8 billion.
The most notable items in "Sotheby's End of Year Review" included Rene Magritte's L'empire des lumières which sold in London for £59,422,000, the billion-dollar Macklowe Collection in New York and the Williamson Pink Star diamond which broke a world record In Hong Kong when it sold for HK$453,223,000 / £47,933,130. Additionally, we believe that this report will give you a thorough understanding of the worth of your collection and your purchasing behaviours.
There was a delightful surprise as well —— The age of collectors was declining, with a record number of bids from collectors under 40, and over 40% of the nearly 50% of luxury purchases were made by wealthy young Asians.